A Million Marks off Paper

A Million Marks off Paper
What's Your Name

          I did a lot of thinking leading up to this project. I wanted to toy with the idea of using words or sounds as a mark, but I wanted to make sure I got several, unique reactions. If were to approach people, shove my camera in their face, and say something entirely random or strange, I was concerned that, not only would I receive several complaints, but the finished product would be without any substantive meaning.

          That's why, for my mark, I chose to ask people for their name. A name is something everyone has, their voice is what makes it unique. Your name and your year of birth are two of the only things most people know when they are alive, and are left with when they die. I found it fascinating how many people said their name as a question, as if they were unsure of it, while others said their full name proudly. Others still, of course, treated it like a joke and did not both to say their name, but I believe there is an aspect of that person's personality that can be learned from that. Despite each interaction lasting less than 5 seconds, each person, with their name, face, and voice alone, can express so much abut themselves.

At critique:


After the critique, I had to make some decisions about how I wanted to present this project. It was recommended that I leave the repeated "What's your name?" in. Although in a few cases it was necessarily removed because the words were cut, I am overall happy with the result.

Lauren Curtis


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